
HW 47 - Class Film Preparation 1

*have something symbolic in the film, maybe the teacher plants something in the classroom and give some meaning to it, the student will think it is impossible (is not going to bloom), but somehow the teacher did it, and got the students attention as a theme, even you are a bad student or you are not a genius, if you work hard for it, you can achieve it

*a very mean teacher who gives massive of homework, discipline the students with little tiny things such as talking in class, lateness, everybody pays full respect to him/her, then the students starts to get overwhelming with the teacher’s attitude of cold, and careless for students, and the students changed the teacher by keep defending other students when the teacher only discipline one or two students, last teacher finally feel that as being a teacher is not just mentor, but the class is a family as a whole – warm, care for each other since people spend most of their time at school

**a very competent teacher, who got a lot of great feebacks from parents and students, and he/she is just like a noraml regular teacher that we see around school, but one day, a student kill him/herself because of pressure, and the teacher at first thought everything is fine, and the student can pick up the class pace, but soon he/she realize the students often time have lots of intangible pressures that they do not know or have learn how to handle, the teacher thought the students will be okay and know how to code with these pressure, but that is not the case, so the teacher has to change the way he/she teach, and realize school is not all about knowledge, is more to that...maybe have to do with the student's family, friendship, relationships, job, success...etc. students express their own stories, and the teacher is surprise and realize he never understand his/her own students that he sees almost everyday...

*costumes – uniforms might be fun, as to show school is part of conformity, and how everybody tries to be different, maybe students do wear the uniform, but still try to modify it to make it look unique, and the teacher make the students realize that they are actually all the same

*a teacher who always takes the students out of the classroom to learn, always go on trips to museum, outdoor to teach, and has his/her own method to teach – immanent

*a passionate teacher who treat all his/her students as “kids”, but unable to get the students trust, and students do all different kinds of things (pranks) to piss the teacher off, but this teacher did not choose to leave but stay, change the students, carnivals over

******a teacher who has all the students’ personal information before entering the school (like a detective), and his job entering the school is to change the students one by one , getting into the student's personal life

*no special or new teachers, all the teachers are kind of the same, and no matter how hard the students try to be part of them, the teachers reject them, students realize there are boundaries between teachers and students, and no matter how nice the teacher are, they should not be close with these “adults”, teachers are just there to teach

*horror movies, teachers lie to students that he/she can actually see the ghosts at this school who are complaining how regret they are, and he/she can actually prove it to the students, and he/she uses the ideas of meaning in life to scare the students that they will only live for once, and they should live the best they can to find their own meaning of life

**parents always have the notion of school is the most important things for their kids, but soon when their kids met a special teacher who has his/her own teaching methods, the parents first oppose to it becasue they are afraid that their kids are not learning something that's important for them, but soon realize, those are the most valuable lesson that their kids should have in life, other than just books and basic knowledge...

***set up a situation that in the future there are not enough space to have school, so people starts regesiter an account online to learn the teacher's lessons. So everyday they would check the website to follow directions and do their homework online so the teacher make sure they actually get it. By doing this, it shows how perhaps students and teachers are just a distance relationship that might not even require to see each other. It also reveals that students can still learn might even perform better without having the notion of "going to school", but wake up, check the website, and just to learn something. In terms of interaction, the teacher might set up meetings in museums, or a park to meet the students so perhaps the students do not feel like they are in jail or feel like society itself is just another jail. but all in all, it gives the audience a different view of how students can learn in a different way other than being force to go to school to follow certain schedule.

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