
HW 48 - Treatment for Savior/Teacher Movie

1. ___1____was cleaning his room in the morning and he find a letter in one of the boxes with all his old high school stuffs in it, full of dust. While he is cleaning and putting some of the stuff in the trash, he sees the yearbook and he opens it up and starts to think back of his memories at high school. Flip through the pages with photos and friends that he has not seem for more than 4 years. He just graduated from college.

2. He spot one of the photos of his class picture with old friends and classmates, moreover, teachers. Flashback memories of how Mr.________ has made a big difference in his life. He thinks back to how he uses to act in class as one of the popular student at his high school. How everybody cheers for him when he make a shot in the basketball games. All the smiles from friends and how much they have went through together.

3. Mr.__________cleaning his classroom to prepare for the next year, and ready for summer vacations to come. While he is cleaning, a whole big stack of paper fell from the bookcase, and he sighs while picking them up one by one. When he picks up the class picture of 2010, he sits down and starts to think back to how he uses to teach these kids. Flashbacks of different students that he remembers the most, and how they use to act to speak to him. He take a deep breath in the classroom all alone, staring around the classroom with chairs, boards, and how lively his classroom use to be and now after class, the silence bothers him. Feels a little sorrow that he only get to meet these kids for a year or two, and once they get along with each other, they have to go and move on to their life.

4. Going back to ____1_____, still flipping through his year book. He is on the page where people write him messages and wish him good luck in his future. He thinks about now after 4 years has pass, what changes does he has. Looking at the mirror, he thought to himself, not much difference. But externally, he is more mature than before externally. Going back to his year book, and sees the message that Mr._________has wrote on his yearbook.

5. Flashback of how he is only passionate to be a basketball player and nothing else interests him. Fails almost all the classes, but has won lots of trophies for school. Miss his team, how they use to come up with their secret tactics to win over the other teams. But because of this teacher, not only has helped him to be able to graduate from high school. Now he even has graduated from college.

6. Still flashbacks. Mr.________thinks back to his first day of school while holding the class picture, which is his first group of students in his teacher career. Think back to himself, as a new teacher who just come to school and thinking he will be able to inspire these kids and be passionate about learning, knowing the values of knowledge and the importance of life and meaning. But turn out that, he is teaching the dumbest class of the whole grade. Walks into the class, girls chatting among each other, some are texting, listening to their ipods, some are drawing on the board, some are sitting on the table crowded around laughing and joking around while class suppose to start. Walks in, the students go back to their seat, and waiting for instructions. He wrote his name on the board Mr.______, and he gives them a diagnostic on their first day to see how much they know. Realize only a few passes with a 65. Ruins his original plan and he has to plan a whole new lesson to teach them.

7. Mr._______starts with the basics, and he realize that the class is not motivated to learn. They don’t take notes, and they don’t ask questions. They are just there, in the class, not doing much. Some even sleep in the back of the classroom, and some are just listening to their ipods, or texting. He thought to himself, what’s going on. The students are not disturbing or being ruined or disrespect to the teacher. They are just not learning. When the class is over, he sit in his class and plans to understand these students by walking through the hallways, or walk around the school to see what these kids usually do. He did not only realize all these kids have talents, they are so passionate to do things they like. ____1_____, the popular kid in the class that always got crowded by bunch of students; he is so good on basketball. Some of the other kids are so talented that they are in art clubs all the time drawing. Some are playing music in the classrooms when there’s no class. Some even rap very well also. Mr._______is shock!

8. The next day in class, he stops his lesson and finally got the class’s attention. Not only he presented his ideas to the class, he move all the tables to the side, and makes the class sit in a circle. He starts a discussion of a relevant topic, and the class starts to talk about their feelings more, express how they feel about life more. The class discussion goes on everyday for more than a week. Not only this is the first time Mr.______realizes how much he has misunderstood these kids; his heart is broken that these kids have been given up by so many teachers all these years.

9. Mr.________decides to abandon all the textbooks, and be patient with the class. He did not just put notes and the board and keep on the lesson. He teaches the class while making jokes sometimes in the middle of the lesson. The student slowly allows the teacher to enter their world. The year goes on, and the class makes a big progress on their midterms, and has a friendly relationship with this teacher. However, the other smart class starts to challenge this “dumb class”. They make fun of these kids learning simple things, and they laugh at these students that they will never graduate from high school.

10. ____1_____, as the popular kid in the class, almost like a leader. Calm the class down, and he tells the class not to fight with these kids. He learns that the only way to prove to these kids, are by working harder than these kids. He decides to talk to the teacher, and asks if they can extend their class time longer. Can they have an extra class after school, or even have a class in the library or at someone’s house to have more time to study. The teacher did not reject them. Mr._______ tells the principle, and the principle finally says yes, and also offers them the classrooms on Saturday also. (revealing learning should be self-motivated, and learning new things should never just be on schedule from mon-fri., thinking minds should always be developed)

11. The relationship of the teacher and the students are getting closer and closer, is like a family. One day, the teacher proposes an idea of asking these students to write a letter to themselves, and he will send them back these letters when they are in college. By doing that, the students will see the difference of themselves comparing the 18 year old to the 20, or 21. As the school year goes on, the class has pass all their finals and the class average compare to the other class is not so far behind.

12. Going back to present, the _____1_____finishing up his cleaning and sees a letter in his mailbox. Forgets about the letter until he opens it and realize that was his 18 year old letter to himself. Sits down with a cup of coffee, and starts reading. Thought back to all these memories (fast flashback of previous class scenes), and realize how much impact this teacher has in his life.

Extended version will be kids going back to the school on their alumni day, meets everybody with the letter. Visit the teacher while he is still teaching another new tough class. Students share their experiences in life and express the values of learning, and how these “new generation of bad kids” should make the best out of their high school life. Because it is worth it!

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