
HW 49 - Analysis of Savior/Teacher Film

For our class film, my role was to be part of the smart Asian kids who is just in the class to “learn” or to get good grades. We don’t cause troubles or mind what’s going on in the class such as the rebellious kids disturbing the teacher’s lessons. All we do is just to be “present” in the classroom and do what we need to do to get the grade or perhaps learning sometimes, and then move on to whatever is next. Basically, we are just there to meet standards to move on, anything else like the chaos, we are just the outcast who’s observing what’s going on. When the rebellious students are making jokes or being disrespect to the teacher, we don’t react back to it much. Even when the teacher thinks he is saying some smart things, to us, we just act normally and blank stare at each other. There is another scene where the teacher is criticizing the different groups of students in the class, and me and Devin were suppose to have our notebooks out getting ready to learn like what good students would do. But the teacher ends up coming over and making fun of how we just follow the rules of the game, and other than that, we do not know anything more than that, as the way he ended his criticism “pathetic”.

I think the main message of the class film was to show that the teacher sometimes might not be the savior of the next generation’s future or not even should be the one who is responsible for the youth. As we see in the film that the teacher is an alcoholic, it reveals another side of the teacher that students normally don’t see. This shows that teachers are human too, and they do have their own life other than just teaching. There are two ways of looking at this teacher, either he did try to teach and help the students but it didn’t really work. Another way to view this teacher is that he is just doing his job, and after all it is just a little part of his life. Either way, the teacher in the film did give up after making a stunning speech to the students, which we can view him as “the teacher who is there to do his job, and get the paycheck”. After the speech, the students are just looking at each other, and going back to their normal attitude towards school. Are the students really impossible to change? Or the teacher is not a good teacher who is there to inspire the kids and make a big difference in their life?

We did see the teacher having some insights about life, something that the students don’t normally hear in the classroom. But ultimately, we can see that the students are lost in these institutions. We’re not sure if the students understand what the teacher said, but I think the big message throughout the film was teachers might not always be the “savior” figure in the society, and students certainly need help other than just the teacher being there to give them lessons. Obviously we can see at the end of the film the students are a bit confused but back to the normal very quick when the teacher left the classroom. This did not show that teacher might not be the “savior” of the next generation, it suggests that students as individuals should learn how to be the savior of their own life. Teachers are just there to do their job to offer as much as they can, either way both need to contribute to make things work.

In most of the films that we saw in class, we often see the teacher as the savior of the youth who ends the carnival and succeed shaping the students in the way they wanted. They often give up transcendent education paradigms, and switch to immanent to get the students’ attention to believe the teacher is really there to help them. In our class film, when the teacher gets everybody’s attention is when he is giving some insights about life to the students. He walks to different groups of students and told them something revealing that students do not often see or hear in the classroom. Both the film that we saw in class and the one that we made, both show that in order to get the student’s attention, the teacher need to make connection to the student’s personal life. Another similarity between the class film with the movies that we watched in class is that the teachers are always view as the savior figure at school. Students do not know what to know other being present in the classroom, all they do is waiting for instructions from the teachers. When the teacher does give orders, students start to rebel against the teacher. As I mention in the previous paragraphs, are teacher really the savior of the next generations or they are just there to do their job?

For our class film, we did not end it as most of the movies that we watched in class. The “savior teacher” did not succeed winning the students, but give up and left the classroom after the speech. This is the biggest difference between the film that we watched and the one that we created in class. Although this might not seem realistic that the teacher will just walk out to the classroom and left the students in the class, I think the general message did successfully shown in our class film. Instead of showing how teacher always ends the carnival and make a big impact in students’ life, we show how teachers sometimes are just there to do their job and give up on the students. Just like the movie Dead Poet Society, the teacher just left and we do not know who is next there to educate the kids. If all teachers just give up on the students, does school ultimately work for kids? Or the students are just there to wait for their “Mr/Ms. Right teacher” to be the savior in their life? Our class film strongly shows the students are just like cubes that need someone to kick it, in order to make a little move. When the teachers left, students will just get stuck in the situation without help. Now it left with the question, whose responsibility is it?

In this American culture, going to school seems to be the only way to succeed. Even though there is alternative to make the best out of your life, not much people will take the chance to choose another route other than going to school wishing there might be a higher chance that they can get a decent job. Therefore, teachers always have the savior figure in most people’s eyes especially parents, who decided to send their kids to school. Many of us will think it is the teacher’s responsibility to be the savior of the next generation to lead the kids to succeed in their future. But never thought the students are responsible for their learning also. We often see teachers are always willing to offer and teach, but students sometimes go to school not doing their part as what we see in the film as the rebellious kids. Students choose to go to school and have the thought of “I have to go to school” lock into their minds that even thought they aren’t doing much at school, they still go to school to just be “present”. Most of us view school as salvation in lives, and teachers must be the saviors of the next generation. Although this seems true, I believe this have to do with faith and hope between the teachers and students. It almost seem as a bet, as for parents sending their kids to school. Ultimately, school is no longer a place for education that taught students the value of knowledge, but an institution that provides the image of salvation to the ones who are seeking for a sense of hope for a better future.

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