
HW 54 - Myers-Briggs & Big Five Test

Part 1:

Regarding on the usefulness of the results doing both tests, I would say it is helpful in a way that makes me pause and think about my personality. But simultaneously, I do expect some of the results that I will get based on looking and answering some of the questions. Taking these tests could be very easy, but sometimes trying to be honest about myself, it is hard to pick the answer between inaccurate and accurate. I would say I do know myself well enough and doing both tests do support my perspective of looking at myself. I am totally aware of how I act and what my personality is depending on my actions. However, to rate the usefulness of these tests, I will say is around 70% helpful in a way that approves that I know myself well enough.

Looking at my results, I would also say they are not definite and is changing depending on the situation. Although overall, I don’t think I will change much even though I am aware of some of my weakness in terms of my personality, I think these results are too systematic. It almost seem as if you do x, you will get y. Also during the process of taking these tests, I pause a lot. This is because I act differently in front of different people. In the public with lots of people that I don’t know, I might seen quiet and introverted. However, my family or closed friends will never described me as that because I feel comfortable being with them. So taking these tests might not often be useful taking my situation as an example. Moreover, I find personality is one of the hardest things to change or to breakthrough, because people have been carrying their own comfortably for a long period of time though taking the test is helpful in a way that helps me to be aware of my own persona.

Part 2:

My first assumption was that whoever’s result is similar to another; it would be easier for them to become friends due to their similar personality. But as I thought further, even though my friends have not take the tests, I can kind of assume what her scores or letters will be based on how she /he acts. This means I know my answers will be pretty different from my friends although this is just a prediction. I realize the importance of this test between interpersonal relationships is not to get the similar results, but use what each other get to help them or yourself to understand each other better. I think when people understand others and accept their personality of who they are, it will help lower the friction between each other because they know that’s who you and have accepted who you are as a friend/partner/spouse. More importantly, people act differently in front of different people, so it is hard to guess or judge the other person’s real personality because these things constantly change in my opinion.

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