
HW 31 - Exploring Methods of M,M,C,A, & Aggrandizing the Self

Part A

For this assignment, I decided to ask my sister because she is the only one who did ear piercing, which I think it would be interesting to write about. Since she is my sister, I did not really have to talk to her in any typical ways. But she is very easy to get annoyed when I asked her too many questions, so I decided to make this more informal, like a random chatting.

I first asked her does this two little ear holes make her feels like above all of the other family member and she said, “No, I just think it will make me look prettier.” Then I asked her to describe her experience and what makes her to have the courage to do something like that (a mark on yourself) since neither my mom nor me did piercing before. She said, “Ear piercing is different than tattoo because if you don’t keep the earring on after you punch a hole then it’ll grow back soon, so even though you regret for doing it, you still have a chance to go back. Also, you and your mom do not really value this kind of prettiness, like putting make up and stuff then it is up to you guys. I did it because I think by doing it, I can put more accessories on me, is like a way to decorate yourself other than just putting on clothes.” So I asked how was it when the moment that person punch a hole on your ear? She said, “Well, nothing special. But weird, because once you get there and you told them you want one, they’ll ask you to sit down and do it in a sec. I was surprised at the moment, because she did not tell me before doing it. She just did it.” I replied, “Wow, so are you regret for having them at that moment? And by the way how much does it cost to do one of those?” She said, “Cheap, is less than a U.S. dollar. Oh, and I don’t regret for having it because I wanted one.” Then I replied something that I considered defensive but she didn’t take it that way. I said, “Damn, that is CHEAP! Doesn’t it make yourself a little worthless instead of being ‘special’ kind of, in the family?” My sister said, “No, it doesn’t matter, I just wanted one, and I got one. And also, I don’t think it is really that ‘special’” “Oh, okay, would you get another one?” “No, one on each side is enough for me.” “Okay, I think the earrings that you have right now fits you.” “Thanks…” (The tone might sound very defensive between me and my sister, but that's the way we communicate with each other.)

I think my sister’s answer is kind of unexpected, and pretty interesting. As I asked more detail question, I think I really did get some answers that are worth to talk about. Especially when she said it costs less than a U.S. dollar, I think it is interesting. It’s almost like the ear holes itself on the ear worth more than the moment. You can simply pay certain amount for the piercing, but not for that typical moment of your life that has changed. In one way, it seems like people’s value has been twisted. In another, it seems acceptable, because the hole is the ultimate mark that is worth to remember other than the cost. In addition to that, I think my sister’s differentiation between tattoo and ear piercing is pretty interesting. In one hand, tattoo is a bigger project to be aware of and it is a typical image. But in the other, ear piercing could be seemed the same thing, if the person make a mistake, it could ruined your body also. Which it raised a question to me was that, what makes people to be more aware of, or thoughtful to decide to have a tattoo than a small ear hole on the ear? Aren’t both having the same amount of chance to ruin your body? Why rely on an ear (less meaning) piercer more than a tattoo (more meaning) piercer? Overall, when my sister gave me these answers, she really seems careless for having the ear holes and I never saw her showing off of her earring or the piercing. So perhaps, sometimes leaving a mark on your body like this is not necessary trying to make yourself special in the group, but just a way to live cool.

The answer of “because I like it, it’s for me, not for the others”, or like my sister, “because I wanted one, so I get one”, both are kind of the same attitude, the kind of “I do whatever I want, I don’t really care what others think”. All these answers are ego speaking, very insecure about the self. It’s like a way to protect the self or a way to tell the other that you are confident of whom you are. But after all, where is the self? If you are really doing something for yourself, it doesn’t mean it does not affect the others although you did not intended to, all it means is that you do not care about the consequence of your own action (irresponsible). (Like my sister, perhaps to her, having the ear hole does not really seem to be affecting anybody. But simultaneously, she is supporting the ‘group/trend’, which it does affect the outcome of making more people to do body piercing.)

Part B

As for myself, I always bring my camera with me wherever I go other than at school. It is almost like a symbol to me or to the others that I am a fan of photography. I personally think that is ‘cool’ because the meaning of taking photos is to remember certain things in my life. The way I see it, is that I appreciate things around me more than the others, because I do certain things to prove so. Not only taking pictures, I also upload them when I get home. The process of sharing these photos, I often put a name that I create on the photos, but not my real name. It’s could be seem as a nickname, so when people view my photos, it is easier for them to recognize and remember that’s my work. My purpose of taking photos is because I got compliments on my works from the others. This does not only help me find the sense of self importance, it also gives me a reason to continue doing what I am doing. Everything that people choose to do or act towards it, it requires a response (external approval) in order for the person who done the work to feel their existence. In other words, everything needs attention from the others to be existed. Therefore, when someone finds their interests, or certain things in themselves that are accepted by the others, they will keep doing the same thing, or keep them. That’s the only way for a person to live on.

Connect this back to what I mentioned in Part A, everything that we have done we tempt to receive it in a way that it seems to be ours. It could be the ear holes, photos that I took, nicknames, all these things we have the temptation to make it personal, and just for our own, and to make it seems like a legacy of us. By doing that, we have values to live on even when we die. Often times, people will get offended when someone cross the line and say “No, you are not doing that for yourself” because it challenge that person’s personal value. I believe a lot of us do know that it is not just for ourselves because we do it to get external approval from the others. How could it simply be our own? But people put it that way, or propose it with that type of attitude because they want to reveal their values in a secure way. They don’t want people to say bad things to their values that will challenge the worth of that method. It is not that they do not know it is not only for themselves, is just that they want to protect their self values to keep it to their own. So when they said, “I do this for myself, not the others”, people can’t really trash it because it has nothing to do with them. To conclude my point, I think people are aware of what they are doing (I do it for myself), but they just have the temptation to defense their methods because that is their meaning to live.

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