
HW 8 - Triangular Comments 2

Dinorah :),

I like your video although you do not look like you are 'having fun' at all. However, the message behind the video is relevant and obvious to most of the 'outcasts'. Additionally, your feelings towards your video have make the post even easier and better for the readers like me.

If I am not wrong, the few arguments that you have stated in your post are that 1) digital devices are one of the big distraction 2) the issue is not really caused by people do not have as much physical experience as the times before the boom of digitalization, but the way we behave or act towards the others 3) keeping a balance of using these devices in daily life is definitely acceptable. In another word, digital devices are not as bad as we seem they are, but we should be aware of the way we act towards these things such as keeping a constant habit.

I like the way you said you will "remind" your sister that what she is doing, instead of just telling her not to do so. Of course, telling someone not to do but ourselves doing it will certainly create confusion for the others. I think this point is very resonant to most of the people, because we do make mistakes even though we know that is wrong. So I am very agree with your point that it is the the digitals' fault, but our behavior towards the others and our surroundings.

Overall, your post is well written. To improve, I think you can deepen the point that you mentioned in the second to the last paragraph about "distinguishing the line between cyber world and reality. Perhaps, discuss how should people draw the line to keep the balance or the line did not even existed. Furthermore, lead your arguments to another perspective - alternatives. (e.x.: is it possible to keep a balance in using these additive devices?...etc.)

After reading your post, it helps me to reconsider my own life. I often tempt to think that using these digital devices will only create addiction. But I never really focus on the differences of my attitude and behavior after interacting with these things. To me, I think it did change me in some ways like my daily habits. Sometimes I even ignored people because of paying way too much attention on the screen. This is a great point that makes me to think of my behaviors once again.

Once again, thanks for writing a great post that shows you actually thought about this topic. At the same time, that triggers my realization.

I apologize that I did not post these comments earlier. (I have them in my blog draft, but forget to post them in your blog as comments)

Bao Lin

First of all, I have to say that I like your post with the tone of irony. Additionally, your video and the post overall really did kept me to read on.

In my perspective while reading your post, I think you are mostly enhancing the ideas of disadvantages of using digital devices. Such as keys words like “waste of time” “doing nothing but sitting there”, and “not really living the same experience”. Same to your video, it distributed the same ideas as your written part but a piece of work with visuals.

I think your post can connect to most of the people since is one of the common ones [starring at the screen]. While I am watching it, I can sort of imagine 100 times more of the population will look the same as what you reveal in the video. Most of the people just got drag into another world while looking at the screen and the person who looked at it, will find being IGNORED. (If you did seem some of the videos from other students in Andy’s course, including Andy’s and mine, I find your video very similar to theirs.)

Before giving you suggestions of how to make the post better, I have to say that your post is a great post with some crucial ideas that is worth expanding. But somehow, you just like to keep it short and simple. So here are my ideas for you to make the post better: 1) I recommend you to copy and paste what you have written to Microsoft word and just do spell check OR you can just click on the abc check icon when you are posting the blog. When I was reading it, it felt like there are many fragments. 2) After you posted your blog, proof read it. 3) For the 3rd paragraph, when you talked about how you will now allow others to spend so much time on these things. I think it is a great point that is worth expanding. Perhaps talk about the reason why, not just saying because it is bad for them. But why you know it is bad for them and so to you, but you still decided to consume to these digital devices. Then from there, explore further to this ideas. 4) The 4th paragraph is definitely something that you can elaborate on, such as why is it depressing, what is the main reason other than just looking at others being active but you are not. 5) Provide examples to support your arguments will help make it stronger

By the way, I am not sure if you just like to keep it simple or you just decided not to dig deep into what you are saying. Either one, I think it is worth expanding if you are looking for improvements.

I like your last paragraph a lot, because it is something that I never thought of or consider in my life. Now I thought about it, I often find excuses to just keep consuming to these digital stuffs. I felt like I am interacting with it, so I am actually doing something while the fact that I am not doing anything. This is a great point, and you make me think of how it actually looks like when people are doing something. Does only active count as doing something?

You do have great ideas in your post and I hope you will keep it up. I appreciate that you are in my group and you did your work on time! Therefore, no one held anybody back from lack of homework on time habits. (This is to Dinorah also). Hopefully we all will keep it up and might actually did help each other in some way regarding on grades.

I apologize that I did not post these comments earlier. (I have them in my blog draft, but forget to post them in your blog as comments)

Bao Lin


HW 7 - Interviews and Surveys

Interview with a family member:

When I asked my Dad about his reactions towards the digital era, his points are pretty subjective. He doesn't think that sitting in front of the computer is a waste of time except when we are sitting in front of it for too long doing non-productive things (video games, entertainment like videos from youtube...etc.). He felt like the Internet world is as big as the real world we are living, or perhaps even easier in the Internet world because we can connect to the other person right away. My dad's example was that we keep in touch with our grandparents from China more. Since my grandfather has learned how to web cam with us online, he talked to us every time he saw us online. Without these electronic devices, we wouldn't be able to do that. We might not even pick up the phone to just talk to them. Being able to see each other on the screen, to my parents and grandparents' perspective, is it like seeing each other in real life, as they always say "now is better than the phone, we don't have to pay more for long distance phone bills, and i get to see you guys" . (Although I think it is a big difference)

To my dad or even most of my elder relatives who have an interaction with the computer, they often don't against it if we use it with moderation. My dad's response to the digitalization is pretty neutral. He compared it with how in his time, having a bicycle is like having a computer to us. So he believes that it is just different possessions that people have regardless of the time period. He thinks that it is just part of how technology improves, and computer it is definitely part of how we live today. Is how like every family needs to have a television in their house, now computer is another one that is on the necessity list. To even more extreme that I find it funny about my dad's point of view was that 1) every second he spend on the computer is money in his view (stock market from China), 2) Internet always give you the answer to your question. (The way my dad sees the digitalization is very different from me since he only use it for certain things and nothing else more, I don't think doing Internet research will always give you the answer that you are looking for) Lastly, my final question to my dad was Can you live without a computer since your generation do not really have these digital/electronic things? He said, "Yes, half of my life has alredy past and in my times we do not have these things. Only this few years are the time that I actually get to experience these computers, hdtv, digital camera...etc., so even living without it, I am still be able to survive and pursue happiness. Then I asked a further question, Do you think my generation be able to live without it? He said, "No, and I think you all (most of the young adults and teenagers) know why."

*My conversation with my dad is pretty long, so i just cut off the conversation from here. Or else, I think he has more to say than this and jump off topic.*

Elevation: I think my dad did go through thinking about this topic and lead to some different aspects about digitalization. But not necessary as deep as the non-standard that we talked about in class. There are still many contradictions that I did not bring it up during the conversation such as what is consider productive using a computer (HW? Research?). Also he dosen't really know a lot about the computer other than checking out few websites, and looking at stock markets, so his reaction of the digitalzation might not be that strong.

*Note* : [All the responses that my dad gives has been translated by me, so there are no actual quotes by him other than the ideas by him.]


Interview with a strangers/passby:

Young Couples Rushing to Class (College Students)

>>>>>Do you think conmmunicating through Internet is revealing how younger generation is avoiding the reality?

No, I don't think people are avoiding the reality and it is just another way people commnicate with each other.

>>>>>Do you think it will hurt us in anyway...disadvantages?

No, I think it is good if you make good use of it.

Old man walking with his two dogs

>>>>>What do you think about the technology and digitals devices now a day?

I am not interested and I don't care.

>>>>>Do you think it will affect the younger generation in anyway?

Um...I don't know and I don't care.

>>>>>What if you have kids? Will you let them use it?

I don't have kids and I don't know.

Young man rushing to somewhere with headphones and bookbag

>>>>>What do you think about the digital devices now a day?

It is a great source to look for information.

>>>>>What do you think about the younger generation who are so obsess with these things?

Young people don't know how to use it and they just filled it with craps.

>>>>>Do you think people are avoiding the reality?

I am not against it, because I don't think it is a way to avoid reality. It's like a movie, a short time to escape.

Middle age man smoking with coffee on his hand

>>>>>What do you think of the digitalization now a day?

In terms of efficiency or exchanging information, I think it is a great source. Convenient.

>>>>>How much time did you spend on it?

Well, I have to use it for my job and we always have to contact people(clients) through phones. So it is a long time that we have to use these things. When I am not at work, I usually avoid to pick up phone calls.

>>>>>Do you think people are avoiding reality especially the young kids now a day? What do you think the future will look like for the younger generation?

Yes, I think people are avoiding the reality in some ways. Also, many times I think it cross the line and people are getting into too personal, no privacy often times. For the future, I think it will be like a cyber world, and everybody is in their own space, no interactions.

Middle age woman

>>>>>What do you think of the digitalization now a day?

I think it is tricky, and it is a great source for information. I am not against it, and I used it to communicate with the people that I know through emails.

>>>>>How would it affect the younger generation since they are so addicted to it?

I don't know,and it has been twisted.

*Credits* : [I am in the group with Dinorah, she interviewed most of them, questions made and asked by her.]

*Note* : [The blue answers are not the actual quotes that the people said. My notes are not written in full sentence form, therefore it is just the general ideas answered by them. ]

Elevation: Through the interviews, I think most of the answers are standard answers that I expected will get from the people. As connected back to what we discussed ealier in class, people do not really think about their situation. I think many of these answers are just in their head, they don't pause and they don't go deep. They are just looking at things on the surface. However, perhaps a question does matter. But I think the desire of how much that person want to go deep is another matter. I can just ask a simple question, if that person is willing to think deep, it'll still be a great Q&A regardless of how standard that question is.


Interview with a friend who is not participating this course:

>>>>> What do you think of the digital representation device now a day?

They are very convenient to me and I can often learn things by watching videos from YouTube. Facebook is also one of the ones that I like because I can always keep in touch with my friends. It is just great that now most of my homework does not requried writing with my hands.

>>>>> Do you think they are good or bad to us?

I think they defineately have a negative effect on us that we no longer go outside as much as before. But overall, I think they are a great tool in our life that makes our life easier in many ways. You can even shop online and find the things that you might not find in the store. Even bills, you can just pay online with your credit card.

>>>>> How many hours did you spend on sitting in front of your computer?

Every minute that I am at home regardless of the time that I took shower and the process of cooking. It is just so addicting! I must be bored to death without it.

>>>>> Will you allow your future kids or your younger sister to use these electronics like you?

Yes, but only 2 to 3 hours. But as they get older, it is up to them to choose.

>>>>> If you know that it is not good for your kids, why did you still consume to these things?

You just need to have one in order to fit in and be able to have things to talk to with your friends. Without it, it will be boring and dull.

Elevation: I think the answers that my friend has is very standard. It is either my questions are bad, or she doesn't very want think deep into it. I guess it is because she is in the generation of mine, so she is just like other youngsters who are often using digital devices. I don't think many people really did thought about it regardless of the fact that we all know they are harmful in certain ways. Perhaps we all are aware of this issue, but we just let it be because they are so addicting, and we don't want to/ know how to deal with it.


HW 6 - Video Project

Digitalization from B1z, on Vimeo.

What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?

When I was watching my video, I think it is extremely bored and it is the longest 2 minutes ever in my life. (Even I already edited by fast forward some parts of the video; it still felt long and dull.) I felt like I am isolated from my surroundings and eyes focused on the screen. Even when I am cleaning the house while moving in, the TV is on. Nobody is really watching it, but we just like to keep it on so there’s noise. Moreover, nobody attempt to turn it off and just leave it the way it is. The most interesting part that I didn’t realized it before this video, was that I can actually do 4 things at the same time. Eyes on the screen watching TV shows with my sister, eating with my left hand, right hand holding the phone, and actually kind of chat with my sister along the way simultaneously. It also reminds me of the food unit from last year, I just eat whatever that’s in front of me instead of paying attention to what I am actually eating!

When you think about living your physical experience being largely what is shown on the video, how does that seem to you?

I think it was okay, but of course not the best way to live. Since this video only focused on digitalization, there are many different parts of my life are missing in this video. By watching a video that consumes a lot of digital devices, it really shows how I am lack of exercise. But regularly sitting in front of the laptop for more than 5 hours, it felt like sleeping. The moment I woke up, is when I am away from the screen-back to the real world.

Would you want your little sister (or future son) to spend a lot of time doing this stuff?

Well, my sister is just one years younger than me. Therefore, she needs to use her computer as much as I do in terms of homework and research. It is not really for me to decide or to control her whether she should use it or not. But for my future kids, I think I will let them use “these stuff”, but not as much as I do. Because I don’t want my kids to think they are different from the others or got left behind. Once they older, I think it is just for them to decide whether they want to be in the digital world or not. I don’t think I have a say or the authorities to control what others want to do unless they realize it themselves.

What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?

I think the contrast between the two is that the screens may look very entertaining in a way like the movie that drags you in, but I just looked dull. The image of it is like typing on the pieces of plastic with a screen, and just easy as that I am satisfied. Especially the part when I was eating dinner with my sister, I looked like a machine that holds up the spoon, put food into my mouth, and takes another spoon-repeat. It is weird that we can create emotions not just with animals, but objects also. I will consider most of the DRD not real; therefore I do not think they really have feelings or emotions.

What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?

It makes me feel like you have to be in it in order to understand how fun it is. From another person’s point of view looking at you playing Wii might just be like a robot/machine too. But the one who used it; it is absolutely different. Wii is one of the products that I think it is well invented that really did make the contrast less stark. It actually gets you moving and has more actions while playing it. However, I don’t think the Wii did make people move as much as they thought they did. People might think they just have played the tennis in real life, but I don’t think playing sports on Wii will burn that many calories as people think they had actually did. Just like any other games, even though you moved, you are not touching the real feelings of it. People sure do have lots of imagination in order to put themselves into it.

HW 5 - Response to Comments


I appreciate your time reading my post (they are long) and have left comments that will help me to deepen my thought/ideas. Also, I am glad that you really got my arguments that I talked about in my post. So I know, you really understand what I wrote.

Your suggestion about extending my post to think of the alternative is very helpful. The question that you asked about how people should actually use these digital/electronics devices will lead my post to the next step discussing this specific issue with a solution.

Your comment with the questions will really deepen my paper, because I only mentioned the problems/issue, but not the solution. By doing what you have suggested, it will actually provide the reader a thought of “what should be done’. Should we just let this be, or if we don’t abuse them, probably it is okay to have them in our daily life. In addition to that, I am glad that we have a similar thought about how people are trying to fit into the society. Is like an entrance and the exit, you need to have certain electronics to be able to get “in”, and if you don’t you are “out”. If getting to an even further thought, I think we both did mentioned people’s identities, but I still believe that it is possible that people have their real self in the Internet, and they are not necessarily fake all the time. However, both could be possible depending on the person’s personality.

Comparing your post and my post, I think your post focus more on how people should use these electronic devices while my post focus on how people are trying to fit into the society. I guess your post lie towards more on the solution of the issue, and my post enhances more of the happening that people are facing.

I think we both have agreed that if we did not abuse the electronics devices or overuse them; it will be pretty decent to us. However, I don’t think it is possible that there will only be pros and no cons even if we did not abused these devices. There will still be negative effects on us in some way. So my question is what will those negative effects be when we did not overused these digital representational devices and is it solvable, maybe to a point that there will be absolutely no harm?

Thanks for reading my post (I know they are very LONG). I am glad that I have opened your eyes to a new argument; I guess that way we really can learn from each other. :)

I find it very helpful when you said “You connected it back to last year's unit of corruption and peak oil. I would love you to develop that idea because it has a great connection to this digital idea. While we abuse technology we're killing the world all at once.” I did touch that idea a little, but did not really lead further thoughts to it. The reason I did that, because I want people to be aware of that problem, but even myself still not sure what is the solution to that. Perhaps, decrease the amount of time we spend on these technologies will help? However, I never thought of the idea “killing the world all at once”. Although I am not sure if is possible, it seems to be true since we all consume to the digital world. Definitely possible that we kill it with our own hands, and yet blames the others’ fault. If I am able to have time to get further, this will really make my post even stronger.

I am actually very surprised that my family is not the only one who has a lot of computers. Perhaps yes, we all need privacy and try to keep it with the flow. However, this has raise up another point in my mind that, do we really value privacies now a day? By saying that, I don’t mean we don’t have secrets and things that we don’t want to share. But as we all see now a day, there are many digital outlets like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace…etc., I felt like people do not value privacy as much as before. Since there are places where people can easily open up themselves, sharing thoughts/ideas, photos, comments on current issues, and feelings/reactions towards daily life, it seems like we do not hide ourselves as much as before. (Thanks for mentioning this idea that lead me to a further thought)

Reading your post and compared to mine, I think your argument leans more to the disadvantage of having these digital/electronics. You mentioned “digitally corrupted” few times in your post. As for me, I guess I focus more on the effects of how digitalization has affected us regardless of rating the pro/cons. Although I find our posts are very different from each other, I think we both did touch the idea of corruptions. But what kinds of corruptions? I don’t think neither of us has deepened that idea. (is it a coincident, or it just happened that we both can’t really know the future for sure)

“It's funny how we all need our own computers. I guess it’s the idea of privacy and trying to fit in ultimate society.” This is true; I think we both did agree to the idea of conformity by consuming to these electronic devices. Since we both did touched the idea of corruptions and mentioned the obsession of overusing these products, perhaps we can both focus on the bad side of this – corruptions. Then figure out what we can do about this.

>>>>>just realized after typing, it is so long...<<<<<


HW 4 - Triangular Comments 1

Esther :),

I love reading your post with your own voice (it really makes it real in a way that I can imagine you talking about it in class). You combined the class examples with quotes which has make what you are saying even stronger! I also appreciate the way you put your post in a paragraph form, that’s very helpful.

From what I am reading, you are basically saying that the digital world has dominated all of us and most of us have brought these services in our daily routine. Even we are outside on the street, we keep getting distracted by phones and other services that the corporations have offered. If we happened to keep consuming on these products, it will lead to the result of “Digital Corruption”. However, you also mentioned that this dramatic change to our generation is just human progress.

I find your perspective very much identical to most of the people, including me. We find the advantages and disadvantages of this whole phenomenon. We tempt to use these electronics and digital products a lot even though we know they are harmful in some ways. Simultaneously, we try to avoid using less as possible. It sounds like a contradiction, which is what most of us are getting stuck in between. Or perhaps, as you said, we are developing into this new era of digitalization.

I noticed that you mentioned “digital corruption” in the 2nd paragraph with examples based on your observation around the city. I think you could have go more in depth into this idea such as how does it actually looks like when it is digitally corrupted? Additionally, you can describe the corruption into different aspects of our lives. I see where you are getting to and the argument seems strong to me. But I think it is kind of vague and unclear. Maybe you could explain what you mean by “digitally corrupted” and then connect to your examples.

By reading your post, you make me reconsider my life by comparing the benefits of the digital world and the outside world in the aspects of nature. What can the digital world really give us compare to the outside door with great fresh air and greens? You also make me realize that we did take the outdoors for granted most of the time and we barely appreciate it now a day since we got distracted by so many electronics. We just think it is there for us, and therefore we do not have to consume so much as compare to the digital world.

Thanks for sharpen my perspective with crucial arguments. I am looking forward to read your further thoughts on this topic.
Omar :),

Your first post on the blog was great! I like how you keep tying back to your main argument which it keeps reminding me what your whole text is really about. It is also very helpful in terms of readability that you separate the post into paragraph form.

Your perspective in this post is basically saying that people should not blame on the technologies’ progression but our obsession over these new electronics and digital relating products. You think that these advance technologies are very helpful in terms of convenience, and if we used them in moderation, they are just fine as the way it is for our lives. Additionally, you point out some negative effects of these digital creations on people that many of us are losing our social skills because we tempt to socialize online more than face to face.

I find your point of view slightly similar to Esther’s perspective, that people are obsess with these technologies that we are falling into this trend of digitals and advance technologies. However, I think your argument is very crucial that we should not just blame the inadequacy of the digital phenomenon but self evaluate of our own mistakes. It is a great point, because if we did not overused these devices, there will not be a big issue other than just the progression of the technology.

Overall, I think the argument of your post is strong with examples and they are well organized with tie back sentences. To make it even better, I think you could build up from what you already have and lead to further significant arguments. Because overall, the big argument that I see from your post is that it is our fault for overuse the devices, and not necessary the technology’s fault. Perhaps my question to your post will lead you to further thoughts (basically I just reverse your argument): What if we did not overused it, do you think people will still have a fake identity in the digital world? If yes, then is it the overuse/obsession the main cause of the issue (weak social skills, masks…etc.)? OR when you mean balance (1st paragraph), can you specify that a little bit more? Basically, be more specific, and think about the alternatives of the argument.

Before reading this post, I have to admit that I kind of blame the progression of the technology for being very fast and addictive. Afterward, you make me reconsider my thoughts on this topic and start to realize my own faults for overusing it. Since we are the one who get to choose either we want to use it or not, it is really not the technology’s fault. The post sort of make me think how as human beings, we all like to blame the others for our own mistakes. This is one of the great examples that reflect human nature of doing that (blame)!

Thanks for writing a great post with strong arguments that I never thought of. I am looking forward to your further thoughts about this topic.


HW 3 - First Blog Post

I think the phenomenon now with all the digital and electronics are extremely important as for people's convenience. Most of our time has been spent using them in beneficial ways and disadvantages. We rely on these technologies in our daily life that sometimes I doubt rather most of the population can live meaningfully and happily without it. But by saying this, it doesn't mean that technologies’ improvements are bad. In certain ways, they make people's life easier and it creates more meaning to life.

By thinking about this topic, it makes me think about conformity, speed, and corruptions. Since teenagers now a day are considering the first generation that is being born into surroundings with many new invented technologies, it is a very rare phenomenon to many of our parents, the older generation. Many parents or grandparents might not even understand why their kids can just sit in front of a screen for a day without doing much activity physically. This reflects how attractive these new technology is to the younger generation and at the same time raise the older generation’s curiosities. In my family, my parents and grandparents used to complain about these digital and electronics that we are using most of the time. But after they really understand what is going on, they fell in love with it just like we did. Considering the communication issue, I think they don’t really hate it but it is down to jealousy and disregard. If we offer help and have patience to invite them into what we are doing, they are not that strong about the idea of “technologies are bad now these days”. Even though they are having a hard time to catch up, as long as they are able to know why people are so addicted, sooner they will not loathe about it.

In terms of how the younger generation used these fast speed improvements of digitals and electronics, I think it is weird but simultaneously luxurious. It is hard to imagine how people rather sit in front of a screen rather than facing their parents and friends. It is hard to image how people prefer to talk to space rather than face to face with their buddies. It is weird that people prefer to pay more money on texting each other than talking to the actual person. Even the 3G network offers video calls that people can see each other while calling each other; it is eccentric to consume to these offers from corporations. While the corporations are the ones who benefits from most of the consumers, it also reflects how these some of these products has become the essentials of our lives. Additionally, it reveals how much we rely on these things. I think the large populations are in love with these things are trying to fit in with the society. If you don’t have it, you are missing out. All these things have to do with conformity. Is not that a regular phone are unable to provide call service that needs an improvement, it is just the one that has cameras, MP3, and internet services are better. This displays that the pop culture has play a big role in most of our lives.

Almost every household has computers to access to internet. Talking about internet, it seems like another world that has been created for many solitary souls. It seems like the society has pressure the people so much, that people find a better place to express themselves. On the internet, you are able to talk to people all around the world, make friends, shared your wondrous lives with others. Especially facebook, twitter, IMing…etc., many of these services that the corporations offer are so amazing that most of the teens, even adults are immerse into it. In a good way, people push themselves to do many things that are meaningful in order to post online to make the others jealous. Also people are able to share their ideas online with the others. In a bad way, people take it as a habit and starts to think it is a “must do” while it is not really required. By taking it as a habit, it shows that these things provide people many attentions. Once you upload something online, everybody have the chance to look at your stuff and therefore, you got attention. If you take good care of your websites, there is a possibility that you get famous online such as making great videos on YouTube. I think these are the reasons why many people are in love with the Internet, it is because they need ATTENTIONS. Instead of socializing with the others in the real world, people have another place that they can use their other “mask” or their “real-self” (since is easier to express ourselves with less burden) to make friends. Overall, it demonstrates that the younger generations need more attentions and fame. We all are obsessed with digital and electronics because we try so hard to fit in and go along with the society’s progression.

While doing this assignment, my neighbor(40s) knock on the door (GOT DISTRACTED) and asked me to help him with the computer since he just bought them today. I think this kind of can connect to this topic because he just bought a laptop last year, and now he is using 2 laptops. I don't know why he bought two, but this reveals that people now a day really try to fit in and follow along with the society's progress. If we don't fit in, we will eventually get eliminate by the society. It somehow shock me how people are consuming to these electronics. Even I have 2 desktops (1 is broken), and 4 laptops (1 is broken) in my house, total 4 computers, I just use one for my own. However, it shows how almost every of my family member needs a computer in my house. This phenomenon is rare and unusual to me.

Lastly, I think the way people use electronics are excessive. Which leads to the problem that we talk about last year, corruption. Using all these electronics require electricity, which is energy, fossil fuel, emission of CO2, global warming, and pollutions. I am not sure how much this will affect the world (still trying to do more research about it), but I do think using less electricity will make a different. Although we pay for the bills, I still believe we should concern and be aware of this problem.

More Thoughts:
  • Do people have mask on the Internet? or is our true self since is easier to express ourselves in a hallucinate surroundings with many imaginations?
  • Why a simple screen could be so powerful that caused so much attention? Amazing...
  • Is it possible that later on, many of these technologies are able to replace worker?
  • Are we the one who has more power/authorities on these things? or they are the one that is actually controlling us?