
HW 5 - Response to Comments


I appreciate your time reading my post (they are long) and have left comments that will help me to deepen my thought/ideas. Also, I am glad that you really got my arguments that I talked about in my post. So I know, you really understand what I wrote.

Your suggestion about extending my post to think of the alternative is very helpful. The question that you asked about how people should actually use these digital/electronics devices will lead my post to the next step discussing this specific issue with a solution.

Your comment with the questions will really deepen my paper, because I only mentioned the problems/issue, but not the solution. By doing what you have suggested, it will actually provide the reader a thought of “what should be done’. Should we just let this be, or if we don’t abuse them, probably it is okay to have them in our daily life. In addition to that, I am glad that we have a similar thought about how people are trying to fit into the society. Is like an entrance and the exit, you need to have certain electronics to be able to get “in”, and if you don’t you are “out”. If getting to an even further thought, I think we both did mentioned people’s identities, but I still believe that it is possible that people have their real self in the Internet, and they are not necessarily fake all the time. However, both could be possible depending on the person’s personality.

Comparing your post and my post, I think your post focus more on how people should use these electronic devices while my post focus on how people are trying to fit into the society. I guess your post lie towards more on the solution of the issue, and my post enhances more of the happening that people are facing.

I think we both have agreed that if we did not abuse the electronics devices or overuse them; it will be pretty decent to us. However, I don’t think it is possible that there will only be pros and no cons even if we did not abused these devices. There will still be negative effects on us in some way. So my question is what will those negative effects be when we did not overused these digital representational devices and is it solvable, maybe to a point that there will be absolutely no harm?

Thanks for reading my post (I know they are very LONG). I am glad that I have opened your eyes to a new argument; I guess that way we really can learn from each other. :)

I find it very helpful when you said “You connected it back to last year's unit of corruption and peak oil. I would love you to develop that idea because it has a great connection to this digital idea. While we abuse technology we're killing the world all at once.” I did touch that idea a little, but did not really lead further thoughts to it. The reason I did that, because I want people to be aware of that problem, but even myself still not sure what is the solution to that. Perhaps, decrease the amount of time we spend on these technologies will help? However, I never thought of the idea “killing the world all at once”. Although I am not sure if is possible, it seems to be true since we all consume to the digital world. Definitely possible that we kill it with our own hands, and yet blames the others’ fault. If I am able to have time to get further, this will really make my post even stronger.

I am actually very surprised that my family is not the only one who has a lot of computers. Perhaps yes, we all need privacy and try to keep it with the flow. However, this has raise up another point in my mind that, do we really value privacies now a day? By saying that, I don’t mean we don’t have secrets and things that we don’t want to share. But as we all see now a day, there are many digital outlets like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace…etc., I felt like people do not value privacy as much as before. Since there are places where people can easily open up themselves, sharing thoughts/ideas, photos, comments on current issues, and feelings/reactions towards daily life, it seems like we do not hide ourselves as much as before. (Thanks for mentioning this idea that lead me to a further thought)

Reading your post and compared to mine, I think your argument leans more to the disadvantage of having these digital/electronics. You mentioned “digitally corrupted” few times in your post. As for me, I guess I focus more on the effects of how digitalization has affected us regardless of rating the pro/cons. Although I find our posts are very different from each other, I think we both did touch the idea of corruptions. But what kinds of corruptions? I don’t think neither of us has deepened that idea. (is it a coincident, or it just happened that we both can’t really know the future for sure)

“It's funny how we all need our own computers. I guess it’s the idea of privacy and trying to fit in ultimate society.” This is true; I think we both did agree to the idea of conformity by consuming to these electronic devices. Since we both did touched the idea of corruptions and mentioned the obsession of overusing these products, perhaps we can both focus on the bad side of this – corruptions. Then figure out what we can do about this.

>>>>>just realized after typing, it is so long...<<<<<

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