
HW 7 - Interviews and Surveys

Interview with a family member:

When I asked my Dad about his reactions towards the digital era, his points are pretty subjective. He doesn't think that sitting in front of the computer is a waste of time except when we are sitting in front of it for too long doing non-productive things (video games, entertainment like videos from youtube...etc.). He felt like the Internet world is as big as the real world we are living, or perhaps even easier in the Internet world because we can connect to the other person right away. My dad's example was that we keep in touch with our grandparents from China more. Since my grandfather has learned how to web cam with us online, he talked to us every time he saw us online. Without these electronic devices, we wouldn't be able to do that. We might not even pick up the phone to just talk to them. Being able to see each other on the screen, to my parents and grandparents' perspective, is it like seeing each other in real life, as they always say "now is better than the phone, we don't have to pay more for long distance phone bills, and i get to see you guys" . (Although I think it is a big difference)

To my dad or even most of my elder relatives who have an interaction with the computer, they often don't against it if we use it with moderation. My dad's response to the digitalization is pretty neutral. He compared it with how in his time, having a bicycle is like having a computer to us. So he believes that it is just different possessions that people have regardless of the time period. He thinks that it is just part of how technology improves, and computer it is definitely part of how we live today. Is how like every family needs to have a television in their house, now computer is another one that is on the necessity list. To even more extreme that I find it funny about my dad's point of view was that 1) every second he spend on the computer is money in his view (stock market from China), 2) Internet always give you the answer to your question. (The way my dad sees the digitalization is very different from me since he only use it for certain things and nothing else more, I don't think doing Internet research will always give you the answer that you are looking for) Lastly, my final question to my dad was Can you live without a computer since your generation do not really have these digital/electronic things? He said, "Yes, half of my life has alredy past and in my times we do not have these things. Only this few years are the time that I actually get to experience these computers, hdtv, digital camera...etc., so even living without it, I am still be able to survive and pursue happiness. Then I asked a further question, Do you think my generation be able to live without it? He said, "No, and I think you all (most of the young adults and teenagers) know why."

*My conversation with my dad is pretty long, so i just cut off the conversation from here. Or else, I think he has more to say than this and jump off topic.*

Elevation: I think my dad did go through thinking about this topic and lead to some different aspects about digitalization. But not necessary as deep as the non-standard that we talked about in class. There are still many contradictions that I did not bring it up during the conversation such as what is consider productive using a computer (HW? Research?). Also he dosen't really know a lot about the computer other than checking out few websites, and looking at stock markets, so his reaction of the digitalzation might not be that strong.

*Note* : [All the responses that my dad gives has been translated by me, so there are no actual quotes by him other than the ideas by him.]


Interview with a strangers/passby:

Young Couples Rushing to Class (College Students)

>>>>>Do you think conmmunicating through Internet is revealing how younger generation is avoiding the reality?

No, I don't think people are avoiding the reality and it is just another way people commnicate with each other.

>>>>>Do you think it will hurt us in anyway...disadvantages?

No, I think it is good if you make good use of it.

Old man walking with his two dogs

>>>>>What do you think about the technology and digitals devices now a day?

I am not interested and I don't care.

>>>>>Do you think it will affect the younger generation in anyway?

Um...I don't know and I don't care.

>>>>>What if you have kids? Will you let them use it?

I don't have kids and I don't know.

Young man rushing to somewhere with headphones and bookbag

>>>>>What do you think about the digital devices now a day?

It is a great source to look for information.

>>>>>What do you think about the younger generation who are so obsess with these things?

Young people don't know how to use it and they just filled it with craps.

>>>>>Do you think people are avoiding the reality?

I am not against it, because I don't think it is a way to avoid reality. It's like a movie, a short time to escape.

Middle age man smoking with coffee on his hand

>>>>>What do you think of the digitalization now a day?

In terms of efficiency or exchanging information, I think it is a great source. Convenient.

>>>>>How much time did you spend on it?

Well, I have to use it for my job and we always have to contact people(clients) through phones. So it is a long time that we have to use these things. When I am not at work, I usually avoid to pick up phone calls.

>>>>>Do you think people are avoiding reality especially the young kids now a day? What do you think the future will look like for the younger generation?

Yes, I think people are avoiding the reality in some ways. Also, many times I think it cross the line and people are getting into too personal, no privacy often times. For the future, I think it will be like a cyber world, and everybody is in their own space, no interactions.

Middle age woman

>>>>>What do you think of the digitalization now a day?

I think it is tricky, and it is a great source for information. I am not against it, and I used it to communicate with the people that I know through emails.

>>>>>How would it affect the younger generation since they are so addicted to it?

I don't know,and it has been twisted.

*Credits* : [I am in the group with Dinorah, she interviewed most of them, questions made and asked by her.]

*Note* : [The blue answers are not the actual quotes that the people said. My notes are not written in full sentence form, therefore it is just the general ideas answered by them. ]

Elevation: Through the interviews, I think most of the answers are standard answers that I expected will get from the people. As connected back to what we discussed ealier in class, people do not really think about their situation. I think many of these answers are just in their head, they don't pause and they don't go deep. They are just looking at things on the surface. However, perhaps a question does matter. But I think the desire of how much that person want to go deep is another matter. I can just ask a simple question, if that person is willing to think deep, it'll still be a great Q&A regardless of how standard that question is.


Interview with a friend who is not participating this course:

>>>>> What do you think of the digital representation device now a day?

They are very convenient to me and I can often learn things by watching videos from YouTube. Facebook is also one of the ones that I like because I can always keep in touch with my friends. It is just great that now most of my homework does not requried writing with my hands.

>>>>> Do you think they are good or bad to us?

I think they defineately have a negative effect on us that we no longer go outside as much as before. But overall, I think they are a great tool in our life that makes our life easier in many ways. You can even shop online and find the things that you might not find in the store. Even bills, you can just pay online with your credit card.

>>>>> How many hours did you spend on sitting in front of your computer?

Every minute that I am at home regardless of the time that I took shower and the process of cooking. It is just so addicting! I must be bored to death without it.

>>>>> Will you allow your future kids or your younger sister to use these electronics like you?

Yes, but only 2 to 3 hours. But as they get older, it is up to them to choose.

>>>>> If you know that it is not good for your kids, why did you still consume to these things?

You just need to have one in order to fit in and be able to have things to talk to with your friends. Without it, it will be boring and dull.

Elevation: I think the answers that my friend has is very standard. It is either my questions are bad, or she doesn't very want think deep into it. I guess it is because she is in the generation of mine, so she is just like other youngsters who are often using digital devices. I don't think many people really did thought about it regardless of the fact that we all know they are harmful in certain ways. Perhaps we all are aware of this issue, but we just let it be because they are so addicting, and we don't want to/ know how to deal with it.

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