
HW 23 - 1st Constructivist Exploration of Cool

Cool steals your identity and creativity. Often times when you are trying to fit in and be cool, you begin to lose yourself. Not that because you are not cool, but you are just consider not cool in certain groups or usually the majorities. Then this makes you want to be cool as them so you look alike compared to the “cool” person and at that point, you are no longer original and pure. By doing this, you did not just lose yourself; you blind yourself to the fullest at the same time towards your own creativity. You might think being cool sometimes have to be special and typical, but then you would ask then why I am not cool? Is cool really tried to be special after all? But being the same only labels you nothing else cooler other than just a follower. Everybody is cool, but you make yourself not cool because you join the majority. If nobody supports the one and only, everybody is cool, nobody is cool.

Cool reflects your vulnerability, you are lame. I asked myself why people always support the only one that they admired but not trying to be cooler than their “icon or hero”. Does this reflect you are vulnerable and you are just impossible to be better? Or it shows you know how to appreciate or flatter? Being a follower or a fan of somebody does not make you look cool but reveals your weaknesses somehow. Because you cannot be better, that’s why you will never be the lead. Perhaps you are looking for the better and use that to create something else. Is just like putting sentences or quotes in another word and say it is yours. Does this mean everybody is plagiarizing? This does not only lessen the possibilities of being creative, it makes the world having mirrors all around that reflects you. Aren’t that’s what we all once wish for? World Peace.

Cool is a commitment, meaning no freedom. It seems like this is the only word that can leads you to be accepted and make a living. Therefore, even this word does not worth anything other than just 4 letters, you value them. If you have your own product, but nobody buys them, you fail. This means everybody have to be cool in whatever the group’s definition is, and live on from that. It almost seems like an investment, you have to invest the word “cool” to live. The moment you were born, this word is already being tie to you, and there is no way out. This is the only way to live, be cool. The toughest life style. What a tragedy.

Cool directs you to the maze. Now in the class, most people might have wonder what this word mean. But who knows exactly what that means? Aren’t we all just swim along with the flow? Not only thinking about this is complicated, it almost seems as it leads you to a maze that you will never find a way out. You or I don’t know what cool really is and we will never know. You have your own definition, and I have mine. Maybe it looks like an equal sign between our definitions, but you will never fully know or learn my meaning. Yes, this doesn’t mean anything or have any values. Nevertheless, the most complicated words that I find it hard to explore from seem to start with the “C” also. Who makes it so contradictive and complicated? Why is it so complex? C is not like the "O", it makes you walk half of the circle, and never be able to walk back to where you start from. This is not cool.

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